
Chisholm Secondary Schools

St Bede’s Catholic College

St Bede’s Catholic College, Chisholm

Set within the growing suburb of Chisholm, St Bede’s Catholic College opened with a cohort of Year 7 co-educational students in 2018.  Since that time, the school has expanded by a further five-year groups and is now a full Year 7 – 12 school.

With the growth to a fully-fledged College, St Bede’s has been equipped with future-focused contemporary buildings with state-of-the-art flexible learning spaces to cater for today’s learners and the generations to come. When completed, St Bede’s will have a Chapel, a large playing field and multi-purpose sports hall, performing arts studio and technological and applied science workshop facilities to cater for the learning needs of all students.

St Bede’s is proudly recognised as a faith-based Catholic school; representing the story and traditions of Catholicism; and inter-personally reflecting the core Catholic values of love, justice, truth, and compassion.


School Info


(02) 4088 8222


24A Heritage Drive, Chisholm, 2322


Mr John Murphy



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Associated Parish

Parish of Morpeth