
Adamstown Primary Schools

St Columba’s Primary School

Reach Out and Discover

St Columba’s Primary School, Adamstown

St Columba’s Primary School, Adamstown is an extraordinary Catholic primary school with a long tradition of delivering quality educational experiences for students which focus on the academic, social, physical and spiritual needs of its students.

As a Catholic school, St Columba’s staff and students are called to act with compassion and empathy, to respect and care for our world and for the most vulnerable, to promote inclusion and provide a sense of community.

School Info


(02) 4952 1642


Lockyer Street, Adamstown, 2289

PO Box 288, Adamstown, 2289


Miss Jenny Howard


All Saints Blackbutt South

Download Our Latest Annual Report

 provides before and after school care and vacation care in a fun, safe, supportive and inclusive environment onsite at St Columba’s Primary School, where children can play, explore, be creative and use their imagination.

Associated Parish

Parish of All Saints Blackbutt South